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Articles - Pig health

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Diseases manual

Description of the most important diseases and conditions in pigs


Picture 2. Cranio-ventral consolidation of the lung can be seen with Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae.

The different sounds of cough


Respiratory pathogens produce different coughs. Any coughing by pigs in a grow-out barn can vary according to the infection present, so it is worthwhile to listen carefully.

How to wash your hands properly


In this article we share the WHO guidelines for hand hygiene, which is a very important part of the day-to-day on a pig farm as incorrect washing leaves some areas dirty.

An update on porcine coronavirus

The coronavirus that causes COVID-19 has taken over headlines recently. In this article we review the different diseases that this family of viruses causes in pigs, remembering that no infections in humans have been reported from swine coronaviruses.

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