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Articles - Pig health

Origin of H1N1pdm

The role of pigs in the generation of new strains of influenza

Pigs can act as a source of new influenza strains with zoonotic potential, but the increase of the genetic diversity of the swine influenza viruses is largely due to the introduction of influenza strains of human origin. Therefore, it is highly recommended that all staff that has frequent contact with pigs should be vaccinated against influenza.

Serum and oral fluid PRRSV qRT-PCR results by post-inoculation week

Oral fluids in PRRS diagnosis


Diagnosis in oral fluids is indicated for the control of replacements on arrival and after the adaptation process, and of the different production batches, especially risk subpopulations such as animals with a slow growth rate.

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PRRSV diversity in Europe

PRRSV in Europe: where did it come from?

The great genetic diversity of East European strains has practical implications, the sensitivity of some of the diagnostic PCR methods can be compromised and the efficacy of the current PRRSV vaccines against the East European genetic variants still needs to be elucidated.

Atlas of pathology

Images of major swine diseases



Pig disease diagnostic tool


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