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Colombia regains FMD-free status through vaccination

Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Andrés Valencia Pinzón, reported that Colombia has once again achieved FMD-free status through vaccination.

10 February 2020

The World Organisation for Animal Health officially informed the Colombian Ministry of Agriculture that, as of February 5, Colombia had achieved FMD-free status with vaccination.

"We met the requirements set by the OIE to regain health status. We hastened an emergency vaccination, the vaccination cycle, immunity studies, and the viral circulation study to demonstrate that we no longer have FMD virus in the country," explained the general manager of the ICA, Deyanira Barrero León.

"This is a very important announcement for Colombia's 500,000 livestock farming families, because it opens doors to international markets for meat exports," said the head of the agricultural portfolio, Andrés Valencia Pinzón.

February 6, 2020/ Ministry of Agriculture/ Colombia.

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