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Colombia confirms three new outbreaks of CSF

The outbreaks are located in the provinces of Cesar, Magdalena and Bolivar.

18 June 2014

The veterinary authorities of Colombia informed the OIE about 3 new outbreaks of classical swine fever in the country.

The outbreaks are located in the provinces of Cesar, Magdalena and Bolivar.

In Cesar the affected animals are rearing in swine backyard holdings in grazing management. Young animals are not vaccinated and have direct contact with other animal populations in the neighbouring farms. Animals are fed with oil palm culture surpluses. The backyard holdings are located in Carrizal, Los Martinez, Chiriguaná. There are 19 susceptible animals and 8 cases.

The second outbreak, located in Centre of Santa Ana (Magdalena) with 18 susceptible animals with a total of 8 animals affected, are backyard holdings in the centre of the municipality with animals fed with swill feed and with direct contact with other animals. Vaccination had been suspended on 1 June 2013.

In third outbreak there are two backyard holdings in grazing management where swine are fed with swill feed and with direct contact with other animals. The backyard holdings are located in Centre of Caño Hondo, Talaigua Nueva (Bolívar), area where vaccination had been suspended. There are 65 susceptible animals with 25 affected animals.

Colombia CSF

Friday June 13, 2014/ OIE.

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