
Linseed meal during early pregnancy increases litter size in pigs

To determine how feeding linseed meal (LSM) during gestation influences litter size, placental weight, and piglet growth, sows (n = 30) received a phytoestrogen-free Control diet throughout gestation; 12.5% LSM diet throughout gestation (LSM114); or 12.5% LSM diet from day 1 to day 15 of gestation and control diet until parturition (LSM15).
10 January 2011
To determine how feeding linseed meal (LSM) during gestation influences litter size, placental weight, and piglet growth, sows (n = 30) received a phytoestrogen-free Control diet throughout gestation; 12.5% LSM diet throughout gestation (LSM114); or 12.5% LSM diet from day 1 to day 15 of gestation and control diet until parturition (LSM15).

Maternal diet did not affect birth weight, placental weight, or postnatal growth. The number of fully formed piglets was increased (P = 0.05) in LSM15 sows compared with Control and LSM114 sows (13.5 vs. 10.1 and 11.6 ± 1.0, respectively). Feeding LSM during the first 2 wk after breeding may enhance litter size.

K.A. Vonnahme, R.C. Zimprich, E.K. Harris, E.P. Berg, D.J. Newman, and D.S. Buchanan. Linseed meal during early pregnancy increases litter size in pigs. Canadian Journal of Animal Science. 2010. Vol. 90 (4): 491-493.

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