
U.S. working group to tackle agriculture workforce challenges

A Bipartisan Agricultural Labor Working Group has been formed to focus on the workforce issues faced by the nation's agricultural producers.

22 June 2023

The Agricultural Labor Working Group will focus on the workforce issues faced by United States agricultural producers. One of the biggest challenges confronting the agriculture industry is a lack of reliable labor.

The working group will:

  • Seek input from stakeholders, employers, and workers, particularly emphasizing the H-2A visa program for nonimmigrant agricultural workers;
  • Produce an interim report detailing the program's shortcomings and the impacts on food security, and;
  • File a final report with recommendations to address the flaws within the program.

The final report of the working group will provide a suite of potential solutions that can inform and be utilized in subsequent legislative efforts.

June 21, 2023/ House Committee on Agriculture/ United States.

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