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China's pork imports halved

Compared to the first quarter of 2023, Chinese pork imports have decreased by 53%.

23 April 2024

In the first three months of this year, China imported a total of 540,000 t of pork products, of which 250,000 t were pork, less than half (-52.8%) of the amount imported during the same period last year, and 290,000 t was offal, which was equal to the value of the first quarter of 2023. Compared to the same period the previous year, this represents a decrease in total imports of 34%.

As the following graph shows, pork imports have been decreasing year after year, although offal imports have stayed steady. Last November offal imports exceeded pork imports, a trend that repeated in the first three months of this year.

Chinese monthly imports of pork and offal. Source: 333 based on National Bureau of Statistics of China data.

Chinese monthly imports of pork and offal. Source: 333 based on National Bureau of Statistics of China data.

For more information on pig inventories, trade, or production data, visit our section on Swine industry statistics.

April 22, 2024/ 333 Staff with National Bureau of Statistics of China data.

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