
Philippines - Dry spell causes chicken, pork prices to rise

Aside from causing daily power outages in parts of the Philippines, the ongoing dry spell is also causing the prices of chicken and pork to increase. A party-list representative estimates retail prices of the two types of meat typically bought by Filipino households may go up by $0.10 a kilo (5 pesos) by April of May.
10 March 2010
Aside from causing daily power outages in parts of the Philippines, the ongoing dry spell is also causing the prices of chicken and pork to increase. A party-list representative estimates retail prices of the two types of meat typically bought by Filipino households may go up by $0.10 a kilo (5 pesos) by April of May.

Because of the El Nino phenomenon about $239 million (11 billion pesos) worth of agricultural crops have been lost in 14 provinces, the bulk of the losses are rice and corn crops.


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