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Mexico has been declared free of Classical Swine Fever

Mexico became one of the first countries in the world to be declared free of Classical Swine Fever (CSF) by the World Organisation for Animal Health (Office International des Epizooties [OIE] in French).

8 June 2015

Mexico became one of the first countries in the world to be declared free of Classical Swine Fever (CSF) by the World Organisation for Animal Health (Office International des Epizooties [OIE] in French).

The certification was delivered, during the 83rd General Session of the OIE, by its Director General, Mr. Bernard Vallart, to the Mexican delegate (the SENASICA's Animal Health director general, Mr. Joaquín Braulio Delgadillo Álvarez), and to the representatives of the Mexican pig producers.

This recognition benefits approximately a milion of pig farms with a herd of 16.2 million heads and an estimated value of 35,933 million pesos. More than two million families earn their living thanks to the Mexican pig production, that creates 350,000 direct jobs and more than 1.7 million indirect jobs.

The eradication of this disease in Mexico improves the prospects for the production of 1.3 million tonnes of pork per year and provides added value to the exports of 92,000 tonnes of pork with an annual raising of some 450,000 dollars from pig farms in the states of Baja California, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Jalisco, Guanajuato, Quintana Roo, Sinaloa, Sonora, Tamaulipas and Yucatán.

We must highlight that Mexico was the third country in Latin America to achieve the eradication of this disease, and this allows the increase of the pig and pig products commercialisation and exportation expectations to other countries such as US, Canada, Chile, Japan, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Vietnam, Singapore, China, South Korea, El Salvador, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Taiwan, Colombia, Venezuela, Paraguay, Ecuador, Argentina and Bolivia.

With the aim of reaching the CSF-free status, Mexico implemented an animal health campaign for the eradication of the disease that was in force from 1973 to 2009.

Sunday, 31 May 2015/ SAGARPA/ Mexico.

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