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Germany: Use of grains for animal feed decreases

In the 2021/22 marketing year, 20.9 million t of grains were used for animal feed in Germany, around 16% less.

Use of grains 2021/22. Preliminary data. Source: BLE

Use of grains 2021/22. Preliminary data. Source: BLE

25 November 2022

According to preliminary data from the Federal Information Center for Agriculture (BZL), domestic grain consumption fell by almost four million tons and was around 39 million t in the 2021/22 marketing year. Approximately 54% of the grain was used for animal feed, 4.6% less compared to the previous year.

Almost 23% of grain consumption in Germany was used for food production (+3%), while around 18% (-1%) went into energy and industrial uses. Seeds and losses totaled almost 6%.

In the 2021/22 marketing year, 20.9 million t of grains were used for animal feed in Germany (-16%), of which about 6.6 million t were wheat and 5.1 million t were barley and corn. The reduced use of grains for animal feed is due, among other things, to the decrease in compound feed production in 2021/22. The pig feed production, the most important in terms of volume, has decreased due to the reduction in the pig herd. Another reason for the decline is the increased cost of feed components. The decrease in the use of barley for animal feed is particularly evident (-24%).

November 23, 2022/ BLE/ Germany. https://www.ble.de/

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