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Feed conversion higher than ideal? We have a tool for that

Use the new troubleshooting tool to discover the possible culprits of a higher-than-ideal feed conversion ratio by answering a series of questions about your farm’s specific situation.

6 September 2022

With feed costs accounting for over half of the total costs in pig production, you want to get the most out of the feed purchased. It is more important than ever to improve your farm’s feed conversion ratio, but how? In this new tool, answer a series of questions about your specific farm to get expert feedback on what the common culprits of a less-than-ideal feed conversion ratio may be on your farm.

In this new tool launched by 333, Enric Marco provides expert advice on how to improve the feed conversion. He starts with two important questions: Has mortality been affected on the farm? What about the average daily gain? Based on your specific answers, the tool provides possible reasons for why your farm’s feed conversion index is higher than you’d like.

Use the buttons to answer the questions and the flowchart to navigate through the different sections to receive your feedback. Click here to start troubleshooting!

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