
European Union – FVO: 264 audits are planned for the 2011 programme

264 audits are planned for the 2011 programme, corresponding to roughly 4,800 auditor days on the ground, travel time excluded.
11 January 2011
264 audits are planned for the 2011 programme, corresponding to roughly 4,800 auditor days on the ground, travel time excluded.

Food Safety (189), Animal Health (22), Animal Welfare (18), Plant Health (16), General Follow-Up (19).

As usual, audits in the food safety area make up the main part of the programme (72%). However, in line with the "farm to fork" approach, a large number of food safety audits naturally also cover animal health and welfare elements. 8 and 7% of audits, respectively, will specifically focus on controls in the animal health and welfare areas, and a further 6% of audits are targeted at phytosanitary controls. General follow-up missions - to develop and/or update country profiles and to review overall progress on follow-up to FVO report recommendations – make up 7% of the planned programme. In 2011, 53% of the audits will take place in the European Union. 6% of audits will take place in candidate countries and 41% in other third countries. Taking into account that one sixth of the audits in the EU deal with Member States' import control systems, overall, controls with respect to third countries' export of feed, food, plants and animals amount to more than 50% of the programme.


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