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China adopts zoning plan to prevent ASF spread

As African swine fever continues to spread in China, the country has implemented a zoning plan to prevent the spread of ASF and other animal diseases.

23 April 2021

In 2019, the pilot program was launched in central and southern provinces which lead to improved biosecurity and a generally stable African swine fever (ASF) situation in those regions. The current zoning plan for animal diseases divides the whole country into five major regions.

The plan seeks to strengthen the prevention and control of ASF and other animal diseases at a regional level. It promotes inhanced emergency response mechanisms and traceability. Animal disease notification data should also be strengthened. The country promotes the creation of ASF-free areas.

The plan calls for improved supervision of pig transportation and promotes the transition from transporting live pigs to transporting pork. The slaughter industry should be optimized by increasing slaughter and processing capacity in the main pig-producing areas so that pigs can be slaughtered closer to where they are raised. No finishing pigs should be transported outside of the designated regions. The country looks to implement a registration system for pig transport vehicles and encourage good biosecurity.

April 22, 2021/ 333 Staff with information from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People's Republic of China.

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