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Canada: PED now a reportable disease in Alberta

Alberta's Chief Provincial Veterinarian has declared PED as a reportable disease in the Province of Alberta.

22 January 2014

Due to the economic harm that Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea (PED) could cause to the pork industry if it spreads to Alberta, effective January 20, 2014, Alberta's Chief Provincial Veterinarian has declared PED as a reportable disease in the Province of Alberta under the authority of Section 3(b) of the Animal Health Act.

As of January 20, 2014, all known or suspect cases of PED occurring in Alberta must be reported to the Chief Provincial Veterinarian (CPV) within 24 hours.

Making PED a reportable disease will help minimize the risk of the disease becoming established in Alberta. The Alberta response will be guided by the Alberta Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea and Transmissible Gastroenteritis Disease Control Plan.

Monday January 20, 2014/ Alberta Pork/ Canada.

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