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ASF France: details of the preventive measures

The new preventive measures against ASF, announced on January 14th by the Minister of Agriculture and Food, have been specified.

23 January 2019

A 78-km² "white area"

The perimeter of the “white area” was specified following the opinion of the ANSES' scientific experts. This area is located near the zones where the last ASF cases in Belgium were found, and it includes the departments of Meuse and Ardennes, covering an area of 78 km².

On the other hand, a 26.6-km-long fence will be built. The building of the fence, embedded and partially buried in the soil, will start on the week beginning on January 21st, starting with the central section, where there's higher risk (departaments of Meuse and Ardennes).

Reducing the risk of the spreading of the disease

In this area, any forestry business (whether economic or leisure activities) is forbidden as of the weekend beginning on January 19th. To reduce the risk of spreading the disease, the wild boar depopulation will be encouraged with intensive hunting efforts. These efforts will call up hunters, the Hunting and Wild Fauna National Office (ONCFS) and the National Forests Office (ONF). The State will subsidise the hunters with up to €100 per killed animal. The culled wild boars will be geotagged and transported to the collection point fulfilling all the biosecurity regulations.

The ONCFS' surveillance patrols activity will be strengthened to increase the surveillance of dead wild boars and offer the maximum guarantees for keeping France ASF-free.

Besides the “white area”, and to anticipate any change in the pig health situation, two areas, located along the border in Ardennes and Meurthe-et-Moselle, will be closed gradually. Intensive hunting will also be practised in these areas.

Map of the white area and the strengthened surveillance areas

Map of the white area and the strengthened surveillance areas

Friday, January 18th, 2019/ Ministry of Agriculture and Food/ France.

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