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Causes of regular returns to estrus

Factors related to the semen dose, the boar, or the sow can cause regular returns to estrus.

Regular returns to estrus occur 18 - 24 days and 38 - 44 days post-service. A sow has a regular return (maintaining the normal duration of an estrous cycle: 18-24 days or its multiples) when fertilization of the eggs has failed or when all fertilized embryos have been lost within the first half of the estrous cycle (<10-12 days).

Under normal conditions these should make up a very small percentage of the matings, < 5%.

Among the possible causes we must distinguish between two major types:

Causes related to the semen dose (or boar)

Causes related to the sow

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Types of gestation losses that can lower the farrowing rate, detailing the different types of returns to estrus based on they occur.
Types of gestation losses that can lower the farrowing rate, detailing the different types of returns to estrus based on they occur.

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