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Belgium launches new quality label "BePork"

Belpork vzw has launched a new quality system that combines Certus and Codiplan Plus, uniting all players within the pig sector.

14 January 2021

BePork stands for quality pork from Belgian soil. The new label guarantees local production from 'pig to fork' by uniting all links in the production chain: from animal feed manufacturers, pig farmers, transport companies, slaughterhouses, cutting plants and meat processors to points of sale.

The BePork quality system membership base is still being expanded. At present, BePork has 2,695 pig farmers, 100 transport companies, 12 slaughterhouses and 27 cutting plants.

On top of the existing legal basis for safe and high-quality meat, BePork offers extra guarantees. “Animal welfare, sustainability and animal health are central to this,” says chairman and VLAM CEO Filip Fontaine. “...This is reflected in pig farmers, for example, by an intensive monitoring of the health of their animals together with their veterinarian. Extra efforts ensure comfort in the barn, during transport and at slaughter..."

Initially, BePork is used in a trade-oriented way. It will therefore not yet be visible to the consumer at the meat counter of the butcher or supermarket. “It is equivalent to the German quality system”, says Fontaine. "In concrete terms, this means that the export of pork and live pigs to Germany is guaranteed without additional requirements." The label is an extra asset for the export of Belgian pork to third countries.

December 16, 2020/ Vilt/ Belgium.

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