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USA-PED Update: more positive cases

There had been 113 positive cases by PCR or IHC on a total of 103 farms in 11 states.

7 June 2013

The ISU-VDL, in collaboration with veterinary diagnostic labs at KSU, MN and SDSU, is compiling updates of PED case submissions.

As of 6/4/2013 (the last available update), through the week of 5/27/2013, there had been 113 positive cases by PCR or IHC on a total of 103 farms in 11 states (CO, IA, IL, IN, MI, MN, MO, NE, OH, OK & SD).

Twenty-six of those farms are sow herds, 70 are grow-finish herds and 7 were unidentified. Starting with the week of 4/15/2013, the number of new cases reported by week was: 2, 1, 8, 17, 11, 44, and 30.

Wednesday June 5, 2013/ AASV/ United States.

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