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The EU publishes an informative brochure on ASF

The brochure informs, among other aspects, about the detection of sick animals and how to act in case of suspicion of the disease.

5 September 2013

One of the goals of the European programme “Targeted research effort on African swine fever“, which is a part of the FP7 Specific Programme 'Cooperation' - Research Theme: 'Food, agriculture and fisheries, and biotechnology', is to inform about the progress in the fight against the African Swine Fever through different channels. Due to this, they have just published the brochure "ASF threatening to spread into Europe – Be aware!"

This brochure informs, among other aspects, about how to detect the sick animals and how to act in case of suspicion of the disease.

ASF threatening to spread into Europe – Be aware!

July 2013/ ASFORCE/ European Union.

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