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Spain regrets the attacks to Spanish lorries in France

Spain wishes to express its disapproval for the attacks that, according to the news available up to now, have been suffered by at least three Spanish lorries that transported pork.

28 July 2015

The Government of Spain expressed, last Friday, its great concern for the blocking in certain French roads that prevents the free circulation of people and, especially, of Spanish goods destined to the French market, or to other EU countries, or to third countries.

Besides from the blocking, the Government of Spain wishes to express its disapproval for the atacks suffered by at least three Spanish lorries that trasported pork: one of them near Poitiers, another one in the region of Normandy, and another one in the region of Brittany. These attacks have also been carried out against lorries of other EU countries.

Friday, 24 July 2015/ Government of Spain/ Spain.

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