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Spain: meat production in the first trimester of 2018.

Pork production has increased during the first trimester of 2018, according to the data provided by the MAPAMA.

11 June 2018

According to the latest data published by the Ministry of Agriculture, in the first trimester of 2018 meat production in Spain has grown by 3.87%, reaching 1,808,141 tonnes (1,740,633 tonnes in the same period in 2017).

The pig sector, the most important one, with 67,88% of the total share, produced 1,227,493 tonnes in the first trimester of 2018, this entailing a rise by 6.1%. Fowl, the second in importance, with a share of 20.95%, fell by 1.4% (378,821 tonnes).

Importance of the different categories within the total meat production

Importance of the different categories within the total meat production

Regarding the number of slaughtered pigs, during the first 3 months of 2018, a total of 13,666,957 heads were slaughtered, this entailing a rise by 3.83% versus the same period in 2017.

Friday, June 1st, 2018/ MAPAMA / Spain.

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