
Russia - FMD outbreak in the Zabaikalsky Krai

An outbreak of type O FMD was reported in Ust Imalko Settlement of the Ononsky Rayon of the Zabaikalsky Krai (18 kilometers from the Mongolian border) on 16 March. The settlement is located in the zone of vaccination against FMD established by the Russian Official Veterinary Services along the borders with China and Mongolia.
23 March 2011
An outbreak of type O FMD was reported in Ust Imalko Settlement of the Ononsky Rayon of the Zabaikalsky Krai (18 kilometers from the Mongolian border) on 16 March. The settlement is located in the zone of vaccination against FMD established by the Russian Official Veterinary Services along the borders with China and Mongolia.

The disease was initially detected in 5 backyards and now it is reported in more than 10 backyards. Preliminary diagnosis was made by specialists of the Official Veterinary Services for the Zabaikalsky Krai and laboratory confirmation was provided by the National Reference Laboratory for FMD (the FGI “ARRIAH”).

By the time of detection the disease had already affected 5 backyards and its clinical sings were detected in 25 animals (cattle) from approximately 1700 cattle, 2300 sheep and more than 70 swine kept in the outbreak area. The most probable reason for the disease outbreak is that the virus was introduced to Russia by wild animals there were gaps in vaccination of susceptible animals. The assumption was indirectly confirmed by the fact that 5000 gazelles came from the territory of Mongolia.


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