
Quick test shows gut flora in piglets

When piglets are weaned from milk to solid food, their intestinal flora change, with a steep rise in the numbers of potentially harmful streptococci. This finding has come out of research done by Odette Pérez Gutiérrez, who developed a micro-array called the PIT (pig intestinal tract) chip with which she can quickly scan six hundred different types of bacteria on a glass slide in the lab.
19 July 2010
When piglets are weaned from milk to solid food, their intestinal flora change, with a steep rise in the numbers of potentially harmful streptococci.

This finding has come out of research done by Odette Pérez Gutiérrez, who developed a micro-array called the PIT (pig intestinal tract) chip with which she can quickly scan six hundred different types of bacteria on a glass slide in the lab.

The chip makes it possible to analyse the composition of the bacteria over time, from three days before weaning until fifteen days after it. Pérez Gutiérrez saw significant changes, with a big decrease in healthy Lactobacillus bacteria in favour of the potentially unhealthy streptococci.


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