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UK: Lowest ever sales of livestock veterinary antibiotics recorded

Antibiotics sales for use in food-producing animals more than halved since 2014.

Sales of veterinary antibiotics for use in food-producing animals, adjusted for animal population, were 28.3 mg/kg; a 2.0 mg/kg (6%) decrease since 2020 and an overall 34 mg/kg (55%) decrease since 2014. This represents the lowest sales to date. Source: UK Government.
Sales of veterinary antibiotics for use in food-producing animals, adjusted for animal population, were 28.3 mg/kg; a 2.0 mg/kg (6%) decrease since 2020 and an overall 34 mg/kg (55%) decrease since 2014. This represents the lowest sales to date. Source: UK Government.
9 November 2022

Sales of antibiotics for use in livestock have reduced by 55% since 2014 to the lowest ever recorded level, the government’s Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) confirmed. In 2021 sales decreased 6% compared to 2020.

In pigs antibiotic use in the UK have decreased 69% since 2015.

The latest UK-Veterinary Antibiotic Resistance and Sales Surveillance (UK-VARSS) annual report shows how the UK's antibiotic stewardship in livestock, with reductions in farm-level antibiotic use reported by the pig, chicken, duck and trout sectors.

Sales of Highest Priority Critically Important Antibiotics, or HP-CIAs have declined for a seventh consecutive year, with a 83% reduction since 2014 and now accounting for just 0.4% of the total antibiotic sales. In 2021 sales decreased 18% with respect to 2020.

In pigs sales of HP-CIAs in the UK have decreased 97% since 2015.

The UK remains one of the lowest users of antimicrobials in livestock in Europe and has achieved one of the biggest reductions in resistance.

November 8, 2022/ UK Government/ United Kingdom.

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