
Germany - Some countries ban import of German pork and poultry

The Korean government says it halted all imports of pork and poultry from Germany on Saturday after tests results showed high levels of cancer causing dioxin in animal feed. Meanwhile, Russia has announced it is tightening restrictions on meats imported from Germany.
10 January 2011
The Korean government says it halted all imports of pork and poultry from Germany on Saturday after tests results showed high levels of cancer causing dioxin in animal feed. Meanwhile, Russia has announced it is tightening restrictions on meats imported from Germany.

The abnormally high levels of the contaminant dioxin were found in agricultural products made by the German company Harles and Jentzsch. The firm manufactures ingredients to enrich feed for poultry and swine.

Earlier, German officials filed charges against the firm at the center of a problem that prompted the closure of nearly 5,000 farms that sell poultry, pork and eggs.


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