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France's plan to combat antibiotic resistance

The "Écoantibio 3" plan (2023-2028) will continue the positive momentum and build on the good results achieved over the last 10 years.

22 November 2023

The new plan aims to maintain the current level of exposure of livestock to antibiotics and to reduce exposure in dogs and cats by 15%. For the first time, the plan also promotes the rational use of antimicrobials and antiparasitics.

Since 2011, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty has been committed to reducing the use of antibiotics in animal health, with the pilot of the Écoantibio 1 (2011-2017) and Écoantibio 2 (2017-2022) plans. Thanks to the strong involvement of stakeholders, the objectives of the Écoantibio 1 and 2 plans have largely been achieved. According to data published by ANSES, between 2011 and 2022, animal exposure to antibiotics in France has fallen by 52%, and animal exposure to certain veterinary antibiotics critical to human health, such as 3rd and 4th generation cephalosporins, has dropped by more than 90%.

The 25 actions of the Écoantibio 3 plan are organized into 5 areas:

  • Preventing the emergence and spread of antimicrobial and antiparasitic resistance in livestock and companion animals;

  • Training, awareness, and commitment in the field of antimicrobial and antiparasitic resistance in animal health, in a "One Health" approach;

  • Research and monitoring of antimicrobial and antiparasitic resistance in animal health;

  • Maintaining, improving, and developing a therapeutic arsenal conducive to the proper use of antimicrobials and optimized prescribing practices in animal health;

  • Combating antimicrobial and antiparasitic resistance in animal health, from the national to the international level.

November 18, 2023/ Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty/ France.

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