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Final communiqué of the GFFA - Berlin World Food Conference

In adopting the communiqué of the 10th Berlin Agriculture Ministers Conference, the participant ministers from 69 states, as well as representatives of the European Commission and of international organisations such as the OIE and FAO, have committed themselves to responsible and sustainable animal husbandry.

31 January 2018

The Berlin World Food Conference - the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) - is taking place this year for the tenth time. Its political climax is the Berlin Agriculture Ministers Conference – the world’s largest meeting of agriculture ministers. At the invitation of the Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture, agriculture ministers from all over the globe discuss the key issues for the future of the global food and agricultural sector. The motto this year is: "Shaping the future of livestock – sustainably, responsibly, efficiently."

In their final communiqué, the agriculture ministers reaffirm their will to promote sustainable animal husbandry and commit themselves to responsible and efficient animal production. They identify four central challenges that must be reconciled with one another: food security; improving livelihoods; protection of resources, the climate and the environment; and improvement of animal health and welfare. In adopting the final communiqué, the participating agriculture ministers have undertaken to actively support implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

Global Forum for Food and Agriculture Communiqué 2018

Saturday January 20, 2018/ BMEL/ Germany.

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