
European Union - Trade of live pigs

The intra-EU exchanges (Comext) of pigs less than 50 kg amounted to around 200 000 tonnes in 2008. Assuming an average weight of 25 kg, this is equivalent to 8 million young pigs.
8 February 2010
The intra-EU exchanges (Comext) of pigs less than 50 kg amounted to around 200 000 tonnes in 2008. Assuming an average weight of 25 kg, this is equivalent to 8 million young pigs.

annual production, which represents a flow over year, cannot be compared directly with the
population of young pigs at any given moment. Germany is the main importer of young pigs, with
77% of EU imports, and Denmark is the main exporter with 74% of EU exports. In addition,
Germany is the main importer of breeding animals (46%) and Denmark is the main exporter (23%). Germany is also the main importer of non-breeder pigs weighing at least 50 kg, i.e. mostly for slaughtering.

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