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Evaluation of the Antimicrobial Resistance Action Plan shows clear added value of European action

The evaluation concludes that the Action Plan had a clear EU added value acting as a symbol of political commitment, stimulating several actions within Member States, and has served to strengthen international cooperation.

25 October 2016

The Commission published the evaluation of the Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Action Plan (2011-2016). The evaluation concludes that the Action Plan had a clear EU added value acting as a symbol of political commitment, stimulating several actions within Member States, and has served to strengthen international cooperation. The Action Plan has also provided a framework to guide and coordinate activities on AMR at international level in the area of monitoring and surveillance and on R&D.

The evaluation shows that there is a clear need to support and assist Member States in developing and implementing national action plans to reduce differences between them in the use of antimicrobials and prevalence of infections, to foster collaboration across sectors, to improve knowledge of citizens and to strengthen monitoring and surveillance systems by developing expertise on methodologies, solid indicators and instruments.

The evaluation demonstrates the need of continuing coordination and collaboration on AMR research on developing new antimicrobials, rapid diagnostic tests, vaccines and alternative treatments, new business models, to sustain investment and increasing the knowledge on the transmission of AMR for a better understanding of the mechanisms causing resistance.

Furthermore, given the cross-border nature of AMR, strong EU voice at international level remains necessary, to raise awareness, to encourage countries to consider their own measures against AMR and to take global measures such as WHO implementing policies and the development of OIE standards. The available evidence and the assessments made by Member States in recent years show that given the urgency of the threats of AMR, if no action is undertaken, AMR might result in 10 million deaths globally each year. This is a convincing basis to continue efforts on AMR, while respecting the respective competencies of the EU and of its Member States.

Monday October 24, 2016/ EC/ European Union.

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