
EU – Checks for melamine can be reduced

Systematic checks on all consignments originating in or consigned from China of feed and food containing milk, milk products, soya or soya products and of ammonium bicarbonate intended for food and feed are no longer necessary given the significant decrease in RASFF notifications, so the intensity of physical checks should be reduced.
26 November 2009
Systematic checks on all consignments originating in or consigned from China of feed and food containing milk, milk products, soya or soya products and of ammonium bicarbonate intended for food and feed are no longer necessary given the significant decrease in RASFF notifications, so the intensity of physical checks should be reduced.

Since the level of 2,5 mg/kg continues to remain appropriate to distinguish between unavoidable background presence of melamine and unacceptable adulteration, products that contain a higher level of melamine should not enter the feed and food chain and should be safely disposed of.


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