
Denmark/Holland – Increase in piglet exports

The latest information on piglet exports for Denmark and Holland show an increase of 8,04% in Holland during the first 8 months of the year and 6,09% in Denmark during the first 7 months.
10 September 2010
The latest information on piglet exports for Denmark and Holland show an increase of 8,04% in Holland during the first 8 months of the year and 6,09% in Denmark during the first 7 months.

During the last year the exports had increased 18% in Holland and 33% in Denmark. During 2010, the average weekly piglet exports were set at 121.000 animals for Holland and 145.000 for Denmark, their main destination being Germany. These weekly average of exports has increased by 8.400 piglets in the case of Denmark and 9.000 in the case of Holland.

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