
China - Flu highlights pork supply problems

The A(H1N1) flu virus has contributed to a slide in the wholesale price of pork in Guangdong province, industry insiders reported yesterday.
7 May 2009
The A(H1N1) flu virus has contributed to a slide in the wholesale price of pork in Guangdong province, industry insiders reported yesterday.

"A lot of difficulties emerged in the industry of pig feeding and selling since last year, such as having an excess of supply over demand," added Zhou Hong, a deputy secretary of Guangdong feeding stuff industry association, who pointed out that other factors were the main reason behind the slide in prices.

"The wholesale price of a kilogram of pork dropped from 20 yuan to 12 yuan last year," Zhou said.

The wholesale price for one kilogram of pork fell to less than 10 yuan last month, he added.


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