
Canada - Farm cash income down in 2009

Cash income for Canadian farm businesses amounted to $10.7 billion in 2009, down 1.0% from 2008. The decline followed increases of 20.1% in 2008 and 16.5% in 2007.
26 January 2011
Cash income for Canadian farm businesses amounted to $10.7 billion in 2009, down 1.0% from 2008. The decline followed increases of 20.1% in 2008 and 16.5% in 2007.

Cash sources for farmers fell 2.6% to $46.8 billion, while cash uses declined 3.1% to $36.2 billion. Declines in fuel and interest expenses were not enough to offset a drop in program payments and livestock receipts.

The five main components of cash sources are sales of primary production, sales of secondary production, program payments, government rebates, and other cash income. The term ‘cash uses’ covers expenses on inputs, business taxes, interest, cash wages to hired labour and cash rent to non-operators.

Cash income fell in four provinces: Nova Scotia, Quebec, Ontario and Alberta. In all four, declines in cash sources exceeded declines in cash uses.

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