
The World’s first Plant-derived Porcine Marker Vaccine from Korea

HERBAVACTM CSF Green Marker is the World’s First plant-derived recombinant subunit vaccine against Classical Swine Fever Virus and can Differentiate Infected from Vaccinated Animals.

23 April 2019

HERBAVACTM CSF Green Marker has both E2 antigen and CBD (Cellulose Binding Domain) tag for purification. But, it does not have Ernsantigen, which is observed in field viruses as well as attenuated live vaccines. So, HERBAVACTM CSF Green Marker can easily Differentiate Infected from Vaccinated Animals.

From a safety perspective, HERBAVACTM CSF Green Marker neither generated any pathogenicity nor transmit any viruses. No appetite in case of live attenuated vaccines were often seen, but this innovative vaccine induced neither no appetite nor abnormality at the injection site after vaccination.

0 DPI* 21 DPI Clinical observation
of injection site
HERBAVACTM CSF Green Marker No change
HERBAVACTM CSF Green Marker HERBAVACTM CSF Green Marker No change

On a challenge test, it perfectly protected the pigs from the virulent strain, YC11WB (2 X 106TICD50). Neither the Characteristics of Classical swine fever such as increased body temperature and reduced white blood cells nor transmission of viruses through feces and oronasal discharge were seen.

Bioapp, Inc, a manufacturer of this vaccine, got the product approval from the related Korean Authority in early April, 2019. Bioapp, Inc. located at PohangTechnoPark Complex, Pohang city of Korea, was founded in 2011. It is specialized in Green Vaccine, which is a plant-derived recombinant vaccine. For any information regarding the product, please refer to the followings.

April 2019 - Bioapp, Inc

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