
Feeding of pre-pubertal gilts with diets containing aflatoxins or zearalenona

Feeding diets with aflatoxins or zearalenone prejudices performance and stimulates estrogenic effects in gilts.
14 April 2010
An experiment was carried out to evaluate performance, vulvae morphology, visceral organs and reproductive tract weight in pre-puberal gilts fed diets containing aflatoxins or zearalenone during 28 days. Eighteen animals with an average initial weight of 11 kg were used. Three treatments (control diet - CD; CD+1 mg/kg of aflatoxins; CD+ 2 mg/kg of zearalenone) were utilized in a completely randomized design with six replications.

Feed intake, weight gain and final live weight were reduced (p<0.05) by 30% (CD x CD aflatoxins: 1.087 x 0.758 kg), 27% (0.608 x 0.441 kg) and 16% (27.4 x 22.9 kg) for animals fed diets containing aflatoxins. Feed intake (CD x CD zearalenone: 1.087 x 0.986 kg), feed conversion ratio (1.85 x 1.86) and final live weight (27.4 x 25.5 kg) were not affected (p>0.05) by zearalenone in comparison to control group. The relative weight of liver and heart were not altered (p>0.05) by mycotoxins. However, zearalenone increased (p<0.05) the bulk of vulva, the length and weight of reproductive tract. Feeding diets with aflatoxins or zearalenone prejudices performance and stimulates estrogenic effects in gilts.

Andretta, I., Lovatto, P.A., Lanferdini, E., Lehnen, C.R., Rossi, C.A.R., Hauschild, L., Fraga, B.N., Garcia, G.G. e Mallmann, C.A. Alimentação de leitoas pré-púberes com dietas contendo aflatoxinas ou zearalenona. Arch. Zootec. 2010. Vol. 59: 123-130.

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