
Effect of early parturition on the reproductive performance in sows

The objective of this study was to determine the incidence of premature birth (<114 days of gestation) in the reproductive performance of sows.
3 December 2010
The objective of this study was to determine the incidence of premature birth (<114 days of gestation) in the reproductive performance of sows. For this purpose a total of 60.990 reproductive data registers of 17.401 sows housed on 35 farms were analyzed.

The sows with a gestation <112 days had the highest number of stillborn piglets and less live births in comparison to the sows with gestations of 114-117 days. The sows with a gestation ≥ 118d were more prone to have less stillborn piglets and fewer live births when compared with sows that completed gestation. The sows with a gestation less than 114 days were more prone to have a second gestations lasting less than 114 days: the same occurred with sows with a gestation lasting longer than 114 days. This information can be helpful for farmers faced with identifying sows in possibly risky situations.

C. Vanderhaeghe, J. Dewulf, J. Jourquin and D. Maes. Effect of early parturition on the reproductive performance in sows. IPVS 2010.

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