
USA - Partnering for Swine Influenza Virus surveillance

The Pork Checkoff, in cooperation with the USDA, the American Association of Swine Veterinarians and participating diagnostic laboratories, will be launching a new campaign next month to encourage pork producers to participate in swine influenza virus (SIV) surveillance when their pigs show signs of respiratory disease.
10 September 2010
The Pork Checkoff, in cooperation with the USDA, the American Association of Swine Veterinarians and participating diagnostic laboratories, will be launching a new campaign next month to encourage pork producers to participate in swine influenza virus (SIV) surveillance when their pigs show signs of respiratory disease.

. "It's our hope that with more samples collected for the surveillance system, future vaccines and herd-health protocols can be improved to offer more disease protection at the farm and national level," said Lisa Becton, Checkoff's director of swine health.

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