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United States: concerns about the possible role feed and/or feed ingredients in the transmission of PEDv

There have been multiple reports of PCR positive feed samples associated with PED outbreaks. To date, none of these feed samples have been found to be infective.

17 February 2014

According to AASV, in response to on-going concerns about the possible role feed and/or feed ingredients may play in the transmission of PED virus, the swine nutritionists at Kansas State University are describing the steps some producers are taking to reduce their risk of PED virus being introduced through feed ingredients. They are also offering alternative nursery diet options minimizing or eliminating the use of porcine-derived feed ingredients.

There have been multiple reports of PCR positive feed samples associated with PED outbreaks. To date, none of these feed samples have been found to be infective. A recent study at ISU, however, was able to experimentally infect susceptible pigs following gavage using negative feed spiked with PED virus. The feed industry and renderers responded to speculation about their products and possible PED contamination and transmission. Both groups lauded the safety of their processes. The feed industry pointed to the lack of an official protocol for validating the virus status of a feed sample. Questions have been raised regarding the safety of spray-dried plasma and similar porcine-derived products. Both the feed industry and the suppliers of the processed blood products have described the controls in place to ensure the safety of porcine-derived ingredients.

Wednesday February 12, 2014/ AASV/ United States.

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