
United Kingdom - Two tonne target for English pig producers

English pig producers have a challenging new target, to achieve an industry average of 2,000kg of pig meat per sow per year by 2012. The Two Tonne Sow (2TS) project was launched by BPEX at the British Pig and Poultry Fair and provides a single target for the industry to work towards collectively.
18 May 2010
English pig producers have a challenging new target, to achieve an industry average of 2,000kg of pig meat per sow per year by 2012. The Two Tonne Sow (2TS) project was launched by BPEX at the British Pig and Poultry Fair and provides a single target for the industry to work towards collectively.

Speaking at the launch, BPEX Knowledge Transfer Research and Development Manager Mike Varley highlighted that, although physical performance continues to improve, there remains a significant productivity gap between the English pig industry and its major European competitors. Latest available figures show the average carcase weight per sow per year for Great Britain is 1,608kg compared with the EU average of 2,000kg.


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