
United Kingdom - NPA warns of straw shortages

Arable farmers are being urged to bale all available straw this year, as the National Pig Association (NPA) warned of serious straw shortages for pig farmers. Pig-keepers are already paying record prices for straw and there are worries that there will not be enough to go round.
17 June 2011
Arable farmers are being urged to bale all available straw this year, as the National Pig Association (NPA) warned of serious straw shortages for pig farmers. Pig-keepers are already paying record prices for straw and there are worries that there will not be enough to go round.

The extremely dry spring weather and ongoing threat of drought has caused an early straw harvest, resulting in the straw being shorter than usual.

England’s pig farmers use over 350,000 tonnes of straw a year. Alternatives include pea straw, woodchips and sawdust, but the most successful alternative is rape straw.


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