
Ukrainian foodstuffs will temporary have two quality standards

The Agriculture Ministry is planning to introduce double standards for agricultural products quality for three to five years: Ukrainian and European, Agriculture Minister Mykola Prysiazhniuk has said.
17 November 2010
The Agriculture Ministry is planning to introduce double standards for agricultural products quality for three to five years: Ukrainian and European, Agriculture Minister Mykola Prysiazhniuk has said.

What can happen if we introduce new standards in a month? A catastrophe can happen. And our position is the following and the EU supported us, it is introduction of two parallel standards. For instance, over three to five years, there will be two standards: European and Ukrainian. And a producer will choose for itself, according to what standard it will work," Mykola Prysiazhniuk added.

He noted that introduction of two standards simultaneously is better than a gradual rising of standards to the European Union level.

"A gradual rising of standards is a faulty way, since every change of standards is a precious and a long-term procedure. Therefore, two parallel standards are correct," the minister said.


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