
Taiwan - Foot and mouth disease

During the routine active FMD serological surveillance, NSP antibodies were detected on 2 pig farms located in Chang-Hua (Tianwei township; Yongjing township).
6 June 2011
During the routine active FMD serological surveillance, NSP antibodies were detected on 2 pig farms located in Chang-Hua (Tianwei township; Yongjing township).

The investigation showed that all pigs on those farms were clinically healthy. Serum and throat swab samples (15 samples from one outbreak and 20 samples from the other one) for serological tests and virus isolation were collected and sent to the national laboratory (Animal Health Research Institute). The laboratory confirmed positive results with NSP (8 positive cases from one outbreak and 2 positive cases from the other one), whereas the results of virus isolation and RT-PCR were all negative. The serotype O was identified by using FMD ELISA kit. The monitoring and epidemiological investigation of the index farms and those surrounding farms that keep cloven-hoofed animals (a total of 79 pig farms, 3 cattle farms, 2 deer farms and 8 goat farms within 3-km radius of the index farms) have been done and no clinical or epidemiological evidence of infection was found.


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