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Strong exports keep EU agri-food net trade balance in the positive

There were big shifts in export values this month, with notable increases in exports of pork meat fresh chilled or frozen.

7 June 2019

The monthly value of EU agri-food exports in March 2019 equalled the record level of March 2017, reaching EUR 12.6 billion, 7.0% above the level of March 2018. Imports in March were valued at EUR 10.1 billion, only 1.9% higher than those recorded in March 2018.

Thus, the monthly agri-food trade surplus stood at EUR 2.5 billion – a +34% increase over the positive trade balance of EUR 1.9 billion in March 2018. The highest increases in monthly export values (March 2019 compared to March 2018, EUR million) were recorded for China (+125), USA (+119) and Egypt (+103), while exports fell most to Saudi Arabia (-96) and Korea (-24). There were big shifts in export values this month, with notable increases (in EUR million) in exports of wheat (+307), spirits and liqueurs (+88), cotton flax and help (+72) and pork meat fresh chilled or frozen (+49). There were notable falls in exports this month of beet and cane sugar (-52) and raw hides and skins (-43).

Thursday June 6, 2019/ DG Agri/ European Union.

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