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Spain publishes Directorate General for Animal Rights

The Directorate General for Animal Rights will aim to promote policies for the protection of animals and their alignment with European legislation.

20 March 2020

Last week, Royal Decree 452/2020 dated March 10, was published in the Official State Gazette, providing the developmental and organizational structure of the Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030, updating and reorganizing the functions attributed to the higher bodies and managers, in order to achieve maximum efficiency and to streamline the fulfillment of its objectives.

The new Directorate General for Animal Rights is attached within this update, with a focus on promoting policies for the protection of animals, as well as the coordination of these policies with other departments and public administrations, with the aim of aligning with European legislation.

According to the Royal Decree, the following functions correspond to the General Directorate of Animal Rights:

a) The formulation of Department policies on the protection of animal rights

b) The furthering of all necessary measures to include the protection of animal rights in the existing legal framework.

c) The development of the necessary measures to promote awareness so that society knows and respects the rights of animals and their protection.

d) Coordination with both the autonomous communities and local entities, the State Attorney General's Office, public administrations and the rest of the State public sector entities, as well as with social agencies to ensure that animal rights and their protection are recognized and respected.

e) Cooperation with other public and private, national and international entities in the field of animal rights and their protection, without prejudice to the direction and coordination functions of the Under-Secretariat of the Department in the field of international cooperation.

March 10, 2020/ BOE/ Spain.

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