
Spain – Slight fall in swine population

The latest figures from the swine census published by the Spanish Agriculture Ministry show a slight decrease in the swine population during the first six months of 2009. This decrease is mainly due to the fall in the number of piglets.
22 October 2009
The latest figures from the swine census published by the Spanish Agriculture Ministry show a slight decrease in the swine population during the first six months of 2009. This decrease is mainly due to the fall in the number of piglets.

On the other hand, the number of finishing animals has increased, with the exception of pigs of over 109 kg. The population of breeding sows in the first half of 2009 maintains its level of approximately two and a half million animals, however, it should be noted that there was an 8% decrease in the last nine months in the number of sows mated for the first time.

(Original in Spanish. Read Google translation here).


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