
S. Korea orders 1.3 mln livestock culled to combat FMD spread

South Korea has ordered the culling of 1.34 million livestock since late November to stem its severest foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) outbreak in history, the government said Monday.
13 January 2011
South Korea has ordered the culling of 1.34 million livestock since late November to stem its severest foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) outbreak in history, the government said Monday.

The Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries said quarantine officials ordered the culling of 107,500 heads of cattle, just under 1.23 million pigs and over 3,700 goats and deer on 3,300 farms in the past 40 days.

Before the first FMD case was confirmed on Nov. 29, the country had 3.4 million heads of cattle, 9.4 million pigs and a considerable number of other livestock.


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