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Philippines retains FMD & bird-flu free status

Secretary Proceso J. Alcala proudly announces that the Philippines maintains its bird-flu free and foot and mouth disease (FMD)-free without vaccination.

9 June 2015

Secretary Proceso J. Alcala proudly announces that the Philippines maintains its bird-flu free and foot and mouth disease (FMD)-free without vaccination, granted by the Paris-based Office International des Epizooties (OIE).

Alcala said the country has been declared bird-flu free for five years now and has been its best advantage enabling the Philippines to export globally competitive chicken and Peking ducks grown in Tarlac and Bukidnon to Asian countries like Japan and South Korea. Now that Japan experiences shortage in swine supply, DA is eyeing on exporting hogs and pork products to the country.

Monday June 8, 2015/ Department of Agriculture/ Philippines.

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