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Perú starts vaccination against swine fever

In 2015, it is expected to vaccinate 102,400 pigs against CSF, a disease that is in the process of being eradicated in Peru.

21 May 2015

The Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (MINAGRI), via the Agricultural Health National Service (SENASA), and in coordination with the private sector, started, in the region of Lambayeque, the immunisation of the livestock against anthrax and CSF as a part of the first stage of the vaccination campaign.

In 2015, it is expected to vaccinate 102,400 pigs against CSF, a disease that is in the process of being eradicated in Peru. The districts with a higher density of pigs are Chiclayo, José Leonardo Ortiz and Mórrope.

The vaccination will be performed in two stages, and it is expected that the first one ends on June 20th. The second one will be carried out from October 20th to December 20th. To do this, the SENASA counts on teams consisting of 45 vaccinators that travel through all the regions.

Friday, 15 May 2015/ SENASA/ Peru.

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