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France: the Senate approves the draft law on agriculture

The Senate has approved regulations for a better control of antibiotics in animal health.

8 May 2014

After the passing of the draft law on the future of agriculture, food and forestry, the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, Mr. Stéphane Le Foll, praised the quality of the debates in the Senate.

In this way, the general objectives of the draft law for the future of agriculture, food and forestry in favour of a competitive agriculture based on a triple action (economic, environmental and social) are confirmed.

The Senate has reinforced even more the role of the producers' organisations in the negotiations between producers and processers.

The senators have also passed the creation of the Institute of Agronomy, Veterinary Medicine and Forestry of France, which will organise the cooperation between the investigation institutes and the universities with the aim of having a cutting edge training tool in terms of knowledge.

Additionally, the Senate has passed regulations for a better control of the use of antibiotics in animal health. The new system will allow the monitoring of the impact on health and the environment of the phyto- and zoosanitary products.

Wednesday Paril 16, 2014/ Ministère de l'agriculture, de l'agroalimentaire et de la forêt/ France.

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