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France: The Agricultural commmercial relationships Mediator will work towards the improvement of the swine sector

The French Minister of Agriculture has asked the Mediator of Agricultural commercial relationships to carry out a mediation process between producers, processors and wholesalers.

4 June 2013

Due to the difficult situation that the French pig producers are undergoing, with low prices paid to the producers and a weak domestic consumption combined with high production costs, the French farmers have been asking the processors for a revaluation of the pork produced in France for a long time.

Although some wholesalers announced, by early May, that they are prepared to satisfy these demands by means of the purchase price of certain meat products produced in France in order to deal with the current difficulties, in the face of the lack of progress, the French Minister of Agriculture, Stéphane Le Foll, and the Food Vice-minister, Guillaume Garot, have asked the Mediator of agricultural commercial relationships to carry out a mediation process between producers, processors and wholesalers so the proposals are implemented, improving in this way the commercial relationships between the different parties in this sector.

Regardless of the current difficult situation in certain sectors, the structural improvement of the commercial relationships between retailers and wholesalers is one of the goals of the amendments of the Economy modernisation law that the government presented last May 2nd in the context of the Law of consumption project.

Thursday May 30, 2013/ Ministèrre de l'Agriculture, de l'Agroalimentaire et de la Fôret/ France.

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